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North Carolina Association of Blood Bankers
4-DISC DVD set of the 42nd Annual Meeting September 21-22, 2015
For the nominal cost of $125.00* you and your staff can receive over 11 hours of blood banking continuing education.This is an efficient and cost effective way for your facility to help both blood bankers and generalists meet their educational requirements.
Normalization of Deviance: An Issue of Patient Safety Andrew Woodward, MA, RT(R)(QM)(CT) Plug It In and Turn Out Results – A Big Fat NO! Linda Sigg, MT(ASCP)SBB, CQA(ASQ) Millennials in the Workforce: Engaging Them with Generationally Savvy Training, Mentoring and More Deirdre Parsons, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB Pints for Half Pints: Neonatal Transfusions Susan Roseff, MD Anemia of Prematurity: The TOP Study Matthew Laughon, MD, MPH Pediatric Massive Transfusion Protocol Marian Fortmann, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB Is It Really Anti-D? Martha Rae Combs, MT(ASCP)SBB Continuing Controversies in Platelet Transfusion Therapy Paul Ness, MD Platelet Bacteria Contamination: Detection or Reduction, Our Current Conundrum Mark Brecher, MD Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload Reactions Take My Breath Away Jay Raval, MD Platelets Saved My Mommy Brian Hogan, PhD |